Inoculate, Culture, Result
All in one
Easy Identification with
Chromogenic Differentiation
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The major target of this medium is the detection of urinary tract pathogens, but COLOREX Screen has a broader application as a general nutrient agar for the isolation of various microorganisms.
COLOREX Screen can also be used to differentiate various microorganisms in other infected areas; e.g., scars, wounds, etc. In addition, COLOREX Screen is useful when supplemented with various antibiotics in detecting increasingly important nosocomial and multidrug resistant microorganisms.
For InTrays with antibiotic supplementals, please see COLOREX ESBL, COLOREX KPC, and COLOREX Yeast
J Clin Microbiol; 34.
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JOCM Vol 36, No 4
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J Clin Microbiol; 34.
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IJCM Vol 6 No 2
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